Actor Vikram Wadhwa of "Chotti Sarrdaarni" is going to join the longest-running daily show, "Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai," and will appear as a cop. Dr. Abhimanyu (Harshad Chopda), who would be arrested in upcoming episodes, will be depicted by Vikram's on-screen persona. In TV shows like "Hero - Gayab Mode On," "Imlie," "Crime Alert," and others, the actor has appeared. He shares his enthusiasm for playing a police officer.
He said: "I personally think now that I am a cop in real life. I have played this particular character in so many shows. All I can say is I am living my childhood dream."
A number of plot twists will occur in the show during the next few days.
The entire family is happy when Akshara (Pranali Rathod) announces she is expecting a child, but life is not always easy for her. We will have to wait and see how she handles things.
Due to the stressful scenario at home, Pranali Rathod as Akshara and Harshad Chopda as Abhimanyu decide to go for a drive in an episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. After learning the truth about Akshara's pregnancy issues, Abhimanyu will become uncomfortable as Akshara becomes chatty about embracing motherhood. Later, they will go on an ice cream date, and Akshara will explain that Maya forbade her from eating any ice cream. After learning about it, Abhimanyu will be shocked and spoil her even more.