Kaun Banega Crorepati, the longest-running knowledge-based game show on Indian television, is getting ready to launch a brand-new season. The program promises to be more engrossing and satisfying in its 14th season, both for the spectators and the contenders occupying the hot seat. The StudioNEXT-produced program will have its premiere on Sunday, August 7, and will then air every Monday through Friday at 9 PM.
Amitabh Bachchan will represent the episode's host as the revered "Protectors of India" Major DP Singh (a veteran of the Kargil War) and Col. Mitali Madhumita (a recipient of the Sena Medal of Gallantry) are introduced, followed by the illustrious "Sports Icon of India" MC Mary Kom (a recipient of the Padma Vibhushan) and Sunil Chhetri (Padma Shri). Last but not least, Bollywood's perfectionist and Padma Bhushan laureate Aamir Khan will also appear on the program. The program will open with a performance by the well-known dance troupe "Kathak Rockers," who will expertly synchronize the dancing style with the current time.
The producers have also added a new padaav at the 15th Question called "Dhan Amrit," where the winners are guaranteed of receiving INR 75 lakhs in prize money, to further amplify the excitement around India's 75th anniversary of independence. The previous ultimate jackpot has also been raised to INR 7.5 crores. For viewers participating in PlayAlong every Friday, there is also the immediate satisfaction of getting to sit in the hot seat.
Watch Kaun Banega Crorepati on Sony Entertainment Television commencing on Sunday, August 7th at 9 PM.