After a five-year hiatus, the popular celebrity dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa will return to the TV screens. Madhuri Dixit Nene, Nora Fatehi, and Karan Johar will serve as judges. Coming to the contestants, there are numerous rumors circulating regarding well-known figures taking part in the upcoming season. As well as reaching out to a number of celebrities, it has been made known that cricketers Suresh Raina, Lasith Malinga, and Harbhajan Singh have also been contacted by the show's producers. But nothing has been decided upon yet. It is reported that even the channel is very keen on having the cricketers on the show.
The tenth season will be ten times bigger, more glamorous, and entertaining, including a distinguished panel of judges and a star-studded lineup of competitors. Madhuri Dixit who is set to return as a judge said, "Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is a huge platform for all the celebrities to connect with their fans and showcase their unseen dance avatars. I have witnessed many non-dancers evolve into great dancers on the show and have an incredible transformation journey. Having judged four seasons in the past, this show holds a very special place in my heart, and it feels like a homecoming to me. With Karan Johar and Nora Fatehi joining in, it is going to be a house on fire, and I am eagerly looking forward to it."
Nora who was a contestant in one of the previous seasons shared her excitement about joining the show as a judge saying, "Life has come full circle for me as I take on the role of a judge on Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa after being a former contestant. It is every artist's dream to share the screen with the epitome of dance and grace - Madhuri Dixit and it still feels surreal that I will be joining her on the judge's panel along with Karan Johar. I have great respect for Karan Johar, whether it's his filmmaking or his style and therefore it's wonderful to share a platform with him. It is definitely an exciting new chapter that I am incredibly elated about and looking forward to."