Rupali Ganguly, who rose to fame playing the role of Monisha in Sarabhai Vs. Sarabhai, had a triumphant comeback on television with the smash hit "Anupamaa." The programme, which debuted during COVID, has dominated the charts since its inception. The actress, however, has recently made headlines for her surprising disclosure regarding her personal and professional lives. Rupali stated in a recent interview that Anupamaa had behaved in a "unprofessional" and "misbehaved" manner while filming, therefore she wasn't sure if she would win.
As shown in the most recent Anupamaa episode, Anuj recently filed for divorce from Anupama after the latter allowed their daughter Choti Anu to reunite with her biological mother, Maya. With its current theme, which depicts the two lovers saying goodbye to one another, the show has moved its audience to tears. To find out what Rupali said in her most recent interview, scroll down.
In a recent interview, Rupali Ganguly, now more popularly known as Anupama, spoke candidly about the time she received a call from the show's producer, Ranjan Shahi. In a recent episode of The Ranveer Show podcast, Rupali spilled the beans on the subject. “I respect Rajan ji a lot, but the first ever show that I did was Dil Hai Ke Maanta Nahi, it was telecast in the year 2000. Rajan ji was the director. He was a first-time director, and back then, I was very misbehaved. I was very unprofessional. I didn’t know how TV functioned, and there was a lot of learning to do. As it is, you’re looked down upon for doing TV because people assumed you’d ‘flopped in films’.”
“I wasn’t sure if he’d cast me because I’d troubled him a lot on the first show. The first thing that he asked me was, ‘Have you grown up?’ And I said, ‘Yes, I have a child now’. And Rajan ji decided to cast me. I didn’t know the show was called Anupamaa till the trailer came in,” revealed Rupali Ganguly further.
Rupali Ganguly added that after learning more about the character, she was able to connect with them right away. “I wasn’t sure if he’d cast me, because I’d troubled him a lot on the first show. The first thing that he asked me was, ‘Have you grown up?’ And I said, ‘Yes, I have a child now’. And Rajan ji decided to cast me. I didn’t know the show was called Anupamaa till the trailer came in,” said Anupamaa fame actress.
Together with Gaurav Khanna, Sudhanshu Pandey, and Madalsa Sharma, among many others, Anupamaa also stars Rupali Ganguly in the lead role.