The Bigg Boss 16 contestants are using every effort to keep viewers interested in their gripping drama. The controversial reality series Bigg Boss 16 made its Colors TV debut last month and has grown more fascinating over time. Tina Datta and Shalin Bhanot are two competitors who have found love in the Bigg Boss house over the course of all the seasons. Because of their developing love story within the house, Tina and Shalin have become the new eye-catcher of the house. While their followers adore the new couple, the contestants think their romance is unreal.
Tina Datta and Shalin Bhanot's friendship will be a major topic of discussion during tonight's episode of Bigg Boss 16. The majority of them think it will evaporate after the show. While telling Nimrit Ahluwalia in the promo that Shalin takes care of Tina, Shiv Thakare later contradicts himself. Shiv adds that he rejects her affection. The other wager made by Archana Gautam and Soundarya Sharma is that Tina and Shalin won't be dating outside the home. Asserting Tina's claim that she is influencing Shalin's content, Soundarya concurs. Returning to Shiv, he continues by telling Nimrit that both of them are aware that if they don't use their romantic relationship as a game-changing strategy, they risk losing.
Tina's leg injury in the final Bigg Boss 16 episode caused a fight between Sahlin and MC Stan. Both contestants got into a nasty argument that escalated into physical violence and verbal abuse. Before Tina could get involved, Sumbul steps in to break up the fight and yanks Shalin away. There have already been rumours that Sumbul is in love with Shalin, and Tina seemed very possessive of the situation. Later, when Tina attempted to speak with Shalin, Sumbul again forbade her from doing so.