The love angle between Tina Datta and Shalin Bhanot on Bigg Boss 16 has recently made headlines. Even though the pair insists that they are "only friends," they are routinely seen flirting. Ayushmann Khurrana, a Bollywood actor, recently met the BB finalists while appearing on the Weekend Ka Vaar episode as a guest and recalled their time as Roadies. This prompted internet users to find the TV actor's previous Roadies Season 2 audition tape. Shalin Bhanot had successfully passed the audition and had travelled with the Roadies for some time.
Shalin's popular "Then and Now" video was posted on MTV Roadies' official Instagram account. "Waqt badal gaya, but Shalin ke jazbaat aaj bhi wahi hain (Time has changed, but Shalin's feelings are still the same)" was the caption, which was in Hindi. The TV star was seen in the footage both from the Bigg Boss house and the Roadies audition.
Shiv Thakare, a different Bigg Boss 16 candidate, began his career with MTV Roadies Rising. He played a good game and won the judges' hearts with his genuineness and honesty. "Roadies Rising se start hui Shiv ki journey, ab Big Boss 16 ke manch pe," the caption for the video he shared of "Then and Now" said.
Shiv Thakare competed in Roadies Rising and made it to the semifinals but lost. Nevertheless, he later took part in and won Season 2 of Bigg Boss Marathi.