Recently, Nakuul Mehta shared his monsoon day with his son Sufi. Both father and son twinned in Pink. The actor wore a dark pink T-shirt and his tiny tot sported a baby pink outfit.
The actor posted this picture with his son on Instagram with a sweet caption that read: "Sufi & Dadda". Before this, Jankee shared how Sufi calls out for his dadda throughout the day waiting eagerly to meet him.
In the television industry, Nakuul Mehta and Jankee Parekh Mehta are the most adored couple. They often post in appreciation of each other, and never miss out on expressing their love even in public. This adorable couple fell in love during their college days, and after dating for 9 years, before tying the knot. They welcomed their child Sufi on February 3, 2021.
The couple frequently posts family pictures on a separate Instagram account dedicated to baby Sufi.