The popular daily soap Anupamaa currently stars Gaurav Khanna and Rupali Ganguly. Anupamaa, the show's lead character, is portrayed by Rupali, while Gaurav portrays Anuj. Due to their on-screen chemistry, the two have a huge fan base, and their devoted followers refer to them as MaAn. The most popular program, Anupamaa, has captured viewers' interest with its plot.
The co-stars of Anupamaa have a wonderful friendship and frequently post photos and videos of themselves together on their social media accounts. Gaurav Khanna posted a selfie on his Instagram account today with Rupali Ganguly. The two are shown in this picture celebrating the holy festival of Navratri while dressed in traditional attire. On the first day of Navratri, Gaurav wished the "MaAn" family by posting this image and writing, “MaAn day afterall..happy Navratri to all you lovely ppl out there.. may u all have a blessed time ahead.”
About Anupamaa
Regarding Rupali's persona, Anupamaa has emerged as the most adored figure now appearing on television. Similarly, Anuj, a character played by Gaurav, has also received applause from the audience, who appreciate his supportive role as a husband.
The show also prominently features Sudhanshu Pandey and Madalsa M. Chakraborty, in addition to Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna. By providing a fresh, exciting plot in Anupamaa, the creators kept the audience on the edge of their seats. The current storyline concerns Toshu's affair and his argument with Kinjal. Additionally, Anupamaa and Anuj may be seen standing firmly in Kinjal's corner. This has kept viewers glued to the displays, and the program is getting fantastic reviews.