On Saturday and Sunday, the two most loved contestants Sajid and Abdu voluntarily left Bigg Boss 16 one after the other. Filmmaker Farah Khan posted photos on Instagram of herself, her brother Sajid Khan, another director, and wrestler-singer Abdu Rozik. Farah smiled while having a burger and fry party with Sajid and Abdu. She captioned the happy pictures, “My 2 favourites this season of #biggboss16 .. sometimes its even better to just win hearts
Farah uploaded a few images. She wore black leggings and a shirt with full sleeves in one of them. Abdu, who had a twin with her, matched her outfit with a glittering black coat, a black T-shirt, and a pair of black pants. Sajid is dressed in a denim jacket and black pants. A table of hamburgers and a bowl of fries were kept in front of the three while they posed for the photographs while beaming bright smiles into the camera. Farah and Abdu were smiling and making a heart with their hands in another picture. Farah also shared a sweet photo of her brother Sajid and Abdu.
Abdu left the show for the final time since he had an earlier work commitment. The most recent episode featured Sajid leaving the house as he revealed that his contract had ended. Sajid disclosed that he will start filming his movies four years after he last directed the film Humshakal'. Riteish Deshmukh and John Abraham are the stars of his upcoming movie, "100 Percent."