Tall and handsome actor Nikitin Dheer, who impressed the audience with his outstanding performance in Shah Rukh Khan's blockbuster film, Chennai Express, has been roped in to play an important role in Star Plus' ongoing show, Ishqbaaz. As we all know that the story of the show currently revolves around a track similar to that of Ramayana, and Dheer will be seen in the role of Ravana in the show. The actor received a lot of praises for his negative character in Chennai Express. We are sure he will nail the character of Ravana as well.
Nikitin DheerEven since its commencement, Ishqbaaz has been entertaining the audience with one interesting twist or the other. The lead pair of Shivaay and Anika, played by Nakuul Mehta and Surbhi Chandna respectively, is quite popular among the masses. With Nikitin's entry in the show, we are sure that TRPs will soar further.