The Liger actor Vijay Deverakonda is relishing his time in Europe as he in on vacation. Meanwhile he is also sharing glimpses from his vacation, earlier he posted a video of his workout sesh , he also shared photo while having a scrumptious meal.
The last video he shared was while taking a walk amidst the wildlife. He looks charming as he flaunts his heart melting smile the Dear Comrade actor was seen wearing a black jacket and denim in the clip.
Watch the video:
Long Walks..
— Vijay Deverakonda ( TheDeverakonda) April 14, 2022
Vijay has handful of projects in his kitty with Liger being the most awaited movie, Jana Gana Mana is also creating buzz and the fans are excited for watching him on the big screen. Liger and JGM both are being directed by Puri Jagannadh. While Liger is slated to release on 25 August JGM is supposedly set to hit the big screen on 3rd August 2023.