As informed by us Samantha is busy shooting for VD11 alongside Vijay Deverakonda in Kashmir. Samantha has shared a video clip on her Twitter handle thanking her fans for showering love on her character Khatija and the recently film Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal. She captioned the video, "Red heart from Kashmir #KaathuvaakulaRenduKaadhal." She also mentioned that it would have been great to see the audience ‘s live reactions
♥️ from Kashmir #KaathuvaakulaRenduKaadhal
— Samantha ( Samanthaprabhu2) April 30, 2022
Samantha also celebrated her 35th birthday in Kashmir with VD11 team. The actress got a surprise from her co-star and her reaction was to die for.
Speaking of her upcoming films, Samantha has Yashoda and she will soon commence the shooting for it. The actress will also be seen in Shaakuntalam, which is directed by Gunasekhar for the release.