Samantha Ruth Prabhu is on vacation in Switzerland. She has shared a couple of photos on her Instagram. In a recent video shared by the actress, she is seen falling down in the snow. For the caption, she wrote, "One of the 100 falls Kate saves me.
kate_mc_b: 'weeeeeeeeeeeeee'.” calling her ski instructor and trainer, but she skates away.In the video, the actress is seen in white pants with a black puffer jacket, slopping on the mountains when she trips and falls down. Samantha also shared a picture on Thursday with her skiing trainer. Samantha wrote a note about her skiing journey under the post.
She wrote, "I began my skiing journey with toddlers on a bunny slope. very humbling. I fell 100 times. I got up each time. The thought of quitting crossed my mind multiple times, but boy am I glad I pushed through. In the time and effort it took to graduate from bunny slopes to completing a red run, I found something truly special... It’s been exhilarating and daunting in the best way imaginable. A huge shout out to the lovely kate_mc_b for training me. You made all the difference. #JustTheBeginning #NeverFeltMoreAlive."
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