Samantha Prabhu's social media game is better than many celebrities, the talented actress makes sure that she engages with her audience. She often shares her daily lifer updates be it about her films or her fitness she never fails to impress on social media.
Few hours ago, the Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal actress posted a gorgeous still of hers on Instagram. Sam blessed our feed with her radiant smile as she was seen holding white flowers. As the actress didn’t post much about her birthday we are assuming this is her official birthday photo.
She captained it, “Older and wiser.” Samantha has definitely made our Monday blues vanished away. The actress turned 35 on April 28 and wishes poured in for the actress from many celebs as well as her fans.
Meanwhile, on the occasion of her birthday her new flick Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal was released and her fans have given green flag to the actress! The Vignesh Shivan directorial has garnered heaps of praise from critics as well as the viewers. She also has interesting projects like Shaakuntalam, Yashoda, Citadel, and Hollywood film Arrangements of Love in the pipeline.