Samantha Prabhu and Vijay Deverakonda have teamed up for their next project which is supposedly a romantic film. It seems that duo has become best friends during the shooting of the film. Both of them celebrated each other’s birthday on the set of the film too and they have been sharing fun moments with each other on their social media handles.
Now the Jaanu actress took to her Instagram handle and posted a video games session on the sets in Kashmir. It seems that both of them playing video games and Samantha has defeated VD which made her immensely happy. Along with the sneak peek, she wrote a caption too, “Victory is soooooooooo much more sweeter when you win against the most competitive person in the room aka thedeverakonda. Bu ha ha hah ha. ( Evil emoji).”
Sam and VD are shooting for Shiva Nirvana's directorial for past few weeks. The film is produced by Naveen Yerneni and Ravishankar Yalamanchili under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers.While the Hridayam fame music composer Hesham Abdul Wahab is the music director.