Sai Pallavi gives one of the most moving performances by a mainstream heroine in recent memory in Gautham Ramachandran's Gargi. In a recent interview, Sai Pallavi said she wants to play iconic roles in historical dramas. The actor claims she yearned for a part similar to that in Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat and felt a bit gratified when she was cast as Rosie/Maitreyi in Telugu historical drama Shyam Singha Roy.
The Fidaa actress said, “I imagine myself sometimes, you see a few films, you'll think 'oh, I wish I'd get a role at that moment. I have seen Padmaavat and Bajirao Mastani, and sometimes you will think so. I think a part of me felt a little satisfied when I did Shyam Singha Roy and I had to play someone from a different time. It'll be nice if I have a full-fledged role for a longer time.”
Gargi is a tough and frightening drama about a daughter's quest for justice. The movie, which is unquestionably the best Tamil film of the year so far, shines a light on a very delicate problem and handles it with an unmatched level of sensitivity that is uncommon these days. Gargi is a breath of fresh air in an era when star power and exaggerated machismo are the focus of mainstream cinema, and it has a lasting impression.