Rashmika Mandanna shared on her Instagram an adorable picture of her pets Aura and Snow. The actress is an animal lover and has a pet named Aura. Recently, the actor shared a with fans where she introduced her new friend, Snow, who is a cat.
Rashmika also shared an adorable picture featuring her pets. In the photo, both Aura and Snow were seen seated on her bed, as they waited for her to get into bed. Sharing the photo, Rashmika wrote, “How they both were waiting for me to get to bed...ok you know what..Imma cry now (teary-eyed emoji) my heart is so fulllllllll! (pink heart with arrow emoji) #aura (pink heart emoji) #snow”.
Rashmika also shared a video where she is holding her small pet in her arms while attempting a mirror selfie. Sharing the video, she wrote, “Everyone… introducing Snow! I think in 3 more years my house is going to turn into a Lil jungle."
On the work front, Rashmika has three Bollywood films in the pipeline. In the upcoming film ‘Mission Majnu’ she will be starring alongside Sidharth Malhotra. She also has an exciting film with legend, Amitabh Bachchan Called ‘Goodbye’. Furthermore, Rashmika will star opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Sandeep Reddy’s ‘Animal’.