Pushpa actor and South sensation Allu Arjun has sent his fans in a tizzy after sharing a monochrome picture on Instagram. Looking ruggedly handsome, Allu is absolutely dishy in a see-through T-shirt. However, it is his eyes and his captivating gaze that has got everyone swooning over him.
Thanking photographer Avinash Gowariker for clicking the picture, Allu Arjun captioned the pic as "Thank you avigowariker ji ."
Not so long ago, Allu Arjun had also featured on the cover page of India Today magazine, which featured a story on his rise as an actor titled 'The South Swag'.
Sharing a picture of himself on the cover in his signature Pushpa style, the actor wrote, "Glad to share my journey as an actor, and the rise of Pushpa with indiatodaymagazine
On the work front, following the massive success of Pushpa: The Rise - Part 01 (2021), Allu Arjun is prepping up the second installment Pushpa 2: The Rule, which is scheduled to release in 2022. Following this, Allu has also committed to team up with director Koratala Siva for their next project, tentatively titled AA21.