Sita Ramam, the trio's forthcoming film starring Dulquer Salmaan, Mrunal Thakur, and Rashmika Mandanna, is getting ready to hit theatres. While the Telugu film is being eagerly anticipated by fans, its pre-release event was conducted on Wednesday, and Prabhas was invited as the chief guest. Social media is already flooded with images of the Baahubali actor and Dulquer from the event. At the event, Prabhas spoke highly about the film, and complimented Dulquer and Rashmika, Dulquer also praised Prabhas' next film Project K.
Urging the audience to watch the films on the big screens, Prabhas said, "Some films are meant to be watched in theatres. I saw the trailer of Sita Ramam. The makers went to Russia and Kashmir to shoot the film. It’s a film that’s meant to be watched in theatres. The budget which the producers spent and the scale is huge. For example, do we stop going to the temple because there's a pooja room at home? For people in the cinema, theatres are our temples. It's because of you. We should watch Sita Ramam in theatres. We have Rashmika, who is the most wanted heroine. We have a huge star cast too. We should watch it in theatres.”
In addition to thanking Prabhas for attending the ceremony, Dulquer Salmaan shared some intriguing information regarding Prabhas and Deepika Padukone’s starrer film Project K. Kurup star revealed, "I know everybody is dying to know about Project K. I have a good fortune of just peeping into the sets of Project_K and I guarantee you it's going to change Indian cinema."
Directed by Hanu Raghavapudi, Sita Ramam is slated to hit the theatres on August 5. Meanwhile, Prabhas has his plate full now with many big projects lined up for release. He will be next seen in Adipurush- a mythological drama, the film also stars Kriti Sanon and Saif Ali Khan in lead roles. He also has Salaar starring Shruthi Haasan.