With ace filmmaker Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan will be making her acting comeback after a hiatus of four years. She will play Nandini, Princess of Pazhuvoor, in the film. The first-look poster for Aishwarya from the film, which was released today, July 6, confirms her title as the pinnacle of beauty and regal grace. Aishwarya will also essay the role of Mandakini Devi in the film.
Every movie enthusiast was captivated by the previously released first-look posters for Chiyaan Vikram and Karthi. In Ponniyin Selvan, they take on the roles of Aditya Karikalan and Vanthiyathevan, respectively. Today, July 6, the much-anticipated first-look poster featuring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was finally unveiled by the film's creators. Lyca Productions shared the poster on Twitter and wrote, "Vengeance has a beautiful face! Meet Nandini, the Queen of Pazhuvoor! #PS1 releasing in theatres on 30th September in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada."
Vengeance has a beautiful face! Meet Nandini, the Queen of Pazhuvoor! #PS1 releasing in theatres on 30th September in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. ???? madrastalkies_ #ManiRatnam arrahman pic.twitter.com/HUD6c2DHiv
— Lyca Productions ( LycaProductions) July 6, 2022
Nandini was the wife of Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar, played by Sarathkumar. She prepares a plan to overthrow the Chola dynasty. The mother of Nandini, Mandakini Devi, will also be played by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
The star-studded cast includes Chiyaan Vikram, Trisha, Karthi, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jayam Ravi, Prakash Raj, Sarathkumar, Aishwarya Lekshmi, and Sobhita Dhulipala. On September 30, Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1 will be released in theatres.