Naga Chaitanya is all set to make his Bollywood debut with the film Laal Singh Chaddha which is set to release in theatres on 11 August 2022. Recently, he shared how he has begun to consider the audience's interests when choosing a movie. According to Chay, a lot has happened since the epidemic, so even as he is listening to the narration, he now finds himself wondering whether the public would pay to see a movie in a theatre.
The Majili actor said, “For me, a lot has changed in recent months. When I am listening to a script, it is ‘If I cut a trailer to this script, will they come to the theatre and watch it or will they be happy watching it at home?’ Because I have noticed that with a lot of good films, the audience is happy watching them at home also.”
Further, he added, “More than the character, more than the sensibilities, the director, this has become a new angle that’s attached to my thought process. Because I have been noticing that the audience is happy watching really well-made films at home. They are not putting down the film or insulting it in any way. It’s just that, that’s how they have evolved post the pandemic. Priorities have changed. They have become comfortable. They have become used to the idea of consuming content at home.”
Apart from Laal Singh Chaddha, Chay will be next seen in Thankyou directed by Vikram Kumar. The film which stars Avika Gor and Raashii Khanna in lead roles is slated to release in theatres on 22 July. He also has NC22 with Krithi Shetty and a web series named Dhootha alongside Prachi Desai.