Mrunal Thakur is all set to make her Telugu film debut with director Hanu Raghavapudi’s Sita Ramam. The actress will be seen romancing south star Dulquer Salmaan. Rashmika Mandanna will play a cameo role in the movie. In a recent interview, the Jersey actress explains that in order to improve her on-screen pronunciation for the part of "Sita Ramam," she had two months of intensive Telugu language study.
Suvarna Majji taught Mrunal in-person at her Mumbai home on occasion, and over the phone and through video chats at other times. For a month, Mrunal practiced two hours a day to master her Telugu pronunciation and grammar for "Sita Ramam."
Speaking about her character in the film, "I have always been attracted by the interior of India. The characters who emerge from these settings are likable, captivating, complex, and most importantly, very real. I love a challenge, so the fact that people are praising how I shaped up as Sita in the movie (based on their reactions to the trailer and songs) is a tremendous compliment for me."
The Toofan actress further says, “I took it upon myself to make sure that my diction in the movie was spot-on. I usually try to put myself in the shoes of my characters, so I went through diction training once more for Sita Ramam"
Lieutenant Ram, an army officer stationed in Kashmir, will be played by Dulquer Salman, and his love interest, Sita Mahalakshmi, will be played by Mrunal. The movie promises a moving epic love story set against a wartime backdrop. The flick is slated to hit the theatres on August 5.