SS Rajamouli’s next muse Superstar Mahesh Babu was pictured at an event in Hyderabad today. In keeping with his unique charisma, the actor oozes glamour in semi-formal attire. He chose a green shirt and denim. The Sarkari Vaari Paata star graced the event by showing off his infectious smile.
On the work front, Mahesh Babu will next collaborate with RRR makers, SS Rajamouli. The director recently spilled the beans on his yet-to-be-announced project. He was quoted saying, "Because of the pandemic, I had many things to wrap up for 'RRR'. With multiple postponements and uncertainty, I had to concentrate on 'RRR' alone. Meanwhile, I was trying to work on the storyline, which gives me hope that there are a couple of lines that interest me. From this point, to get the pre-visualization and pre-production ready for the shoot, it takes about eight months. So, it will get rolling by this year-end".
In terms of work, Mahesh Babu will also star in the upcoming action comedy Sarkaru Vaari Paata, written and directed by filmmaker Parasuram. Funded by Mythri Movie Makers, 14 Reels Plus and G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment, the film stars national award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh against the Tollywood star.