Actor Karthi's 'Sulthan' directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan completes one year today. The film also marked Kannada star Rashmika Mandanna's debut in Tamil. Reminiscing how the film reached him with kids as well, actor Karthi also remembers two other memorable films of his career, which interestingly also released around the same date, April 2.
Sharing a picture of his vivid appearances, the Thambi actor wrote on Instagram, “Paiyaa gave me an entirely new outlook. #Komban took me back to village folks after almost 8 years since my debut. #Sulthan reintroduced me to kids. All released on the same date. Thanks to my directors, producers, and dear fans for making them memorable.” This photo had his looks from the films Paiyaa, Komban, and Sulthan. This post is proof of how much Karthi has transformed over his career spanning almost a decade.
Meanwhile, Karthi is awaiting the release of 'Viruman' directed by M. Muthaiah, which is in the post-production stage. Director Shankar's daughter Aditi Shankar is making her debut with the film. Karthi is currently shooting for PS Mithran's 'Sardar' and is also part of the much-awaited Mani Ratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan: I'.