Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has announced that his film Vikram, which stars Kamal Haasan, Fahadh Faasil and Vijay Sethupathi will be released in five languages: Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, and Kannada. On the director's birthday, March 14th at 7 a.m., the release date will be announced. There’s now another interesting update for fans that the film will have separate tracks produced for three of the main leads. As per the latest reports, Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi, and Fahadh Faasil would each have their own theme music in Vikram.
Anirudh Ravichander, son of veteran actor Ravi Raghavendra who is known for composing music for movies like Beast (2022) and Master (2021) will be composing the soundtrack for this film. This will also mark Anirudh Ravichander’s first musical for Kamal Haasan as his previous two films with the actor were shelved. There will be only a few songs in the film, and it will be a pakka director's cut.
Directed by Lokesh Kangaraj, the plot revolves around the three main characters, Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupati and Fahadh Faasil. According to reports, Kamal Haasan portrays a cop, the antagonist is played by Vijay Sethupathi, who will have numerous partnerships in the film. The identity of Fahadh Faasil's character in the film is yet to be revealed.
The filming of Vikram was completed a few days back, and the post-production work is proceeding according to schedule. The film's release date will be announced tomorrow at 7 a.m. by Kamal Haasan's Raaj Kamal Film International.