Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a South Indian actress and one of the most popular faces, has always been able to draw in the crowd with her stunning appearance and superb playing abilities. She has appeared in several of South India's biggest box office hits, including Mersal and Rangasthalam. It was purportedly intended for Samantha's future film Yashoda to be released on Independence Day, 2022. Samantha, who has always been active on Instagram and sharing everything about her projects and life hasn't posted anything on any of her social media channels in the past month or two, leaving everyone wondering where she is.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been not keeping well and has been told to keep away from public appearances
Samantha's whereabouts and whether she has been preoccupied with her three future projects have been frequently questioned by her followers. An online source, however, has made the alarming allegation that Samantha has been ill and has travelled to the United States of America for treatment. According to a source, she has traveled to the USA to receive treatment for Polymorphous Light Eruption, which is a condition brought on by sun exposure. However, it is also claimed that the actress has been counseled to avoid public glare.
As things stand, the scheduling for her upcoming film with Vijay Deverakonda, Kushi, has been postponed. If this situation persists for a little while longer, the producers may find it difficult to release their movie on the scheduled date. Apart from this, the actress also has Raj & DK’s Citadel and a mythological film Shaakuntalam.