The Superstar of Tamil Industry Chiyaan Vikram turned 56 years old yesterday. His fans and loved ones heaped loads of wishes and love on the actor. The Petta director Karthik Subbaraj wrote, “Happy Birthday to Our dearest Mahaan #ChiyaanVikram sir…Chiyaan’s Birthday special… A Deleted Scene & NaanNaan Video song from #Mahaan coming up today…”. Director Anand Shankar posted on social media, “Happy Birthday to the finest actor #ChiyaanVikram sir. Wishing a super blockbuster year ahead #throwback #HBDChiyaanVikram”. Also, actor Shanthnu wished him on the micro-blogging site, “Happy bday #ChiyaanVikram sir…Such a wonderful actor…Keep entertaining us as always and god bless you with everything you have always wished for”.
Happy Birthday to the finest actor #ChiyaanVikram sir. Wishing a super blockbuster year ahead :) #throwback #HBDChiyaanVikram
— Anand Shankar ( anandshank) April 17, 2022
Happy bday #ChiyaanVikram sir☺️
— Shanthnu ???? ஷாந்தனு Buddy ( imKBRshanthnu) April 17, 2022
Such a wonderful actor ????????
Keep entertaining us as always and god bless you with everything you have always wished for ????
The maker of his upcoming film Cobra, R. Ajay Gnanamuthu penned a heartfelt note, “Many many more happy returns of the day dear Acting-Monster #ChiyaanVikram sir. May you continue inspiring and entertaining us as always for many many many years!! Loadsssss of love!!” KGF fame Srinidhi Shetty, also wished her Cobra co-star, “Wishing the Iconic, Super Talented and the Most Inspiring #ChiyaanVikram sir a fantastic birthday”.
Wishing the Iconic,Super Talented and the Most Inspiring #ChiyaanVikram sir a fantastic birthday ???? #Cobra 2nd Single Announcement Tomorrow on #Chiyaan's birthday ???? #April17
— Srinidhi Shetty ( SrinidhiShetty7) April 16, 2022
An AjayGnanamuthu Film ????
An arrahman Musical ???? SonyMusicSouth proyuvraaj #HBDChiyaanVikram
Bankrolled by SS Lalit Kumar under the banner of Seven Screen Studio, Cobra stars Srinidhi Shetty as the female lead, while former Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan plays the antagonist.