Reports are that in director Koratala Siva’s Acharya, father-son duo Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan will share the screen space for about 20 to 25 minutes.
Anvesh Reddy opens up on the movie’s pre-release plan, and a lot more, “As for the trailer, we haven't yet decided on what date we will unveil,” informs the filmmaker.
He further adds, “We might do it around two weeks before the release. The trailer launch may not be on a larger scale but we will have a pre-release event, which will be done close to a week before the release. That will be on a large scale. Everyone would be there for the release, including the fans and the media. We will decide on all the plans soon.”
Further talking about the massive release of the film, Anvesh Reddy shares, “In Telangana and Andhra Pradesh itself, we will be releasing it in close to 1500 to 2000 screens. We are not looking into a pan-India film right now. I don’t think we would be releasing it in Hindi or other languages dubbed. We might release it in Telugu only in other states also, but that will be minimum screens.”