Allu Arjun is on cloud nine these days. His latest film, Pushpa: The Rise (2021), did not only do terrific business down south but also set the cash registers jingling in North India. The thunderous success of the film has established the actor as the next pan-India star after Prabhas and Yash. The film’s director, Sukumar, who is also a good friend of Allu Arjun, is celebrating his birthday today.
Allu Arjun gave him his birthday wishes through his Twitter handle. He wrote, "Many, many happy returns of the day to my dearest Sukumar Garu.” The actor also shared a picture of both from the sets of Pushpa. The film has so far grossed around ₹300 crores at the box office worldwide.
Many many happy returns of the day to my dearest Sukumar garu ????
— Allu Arjun ( alluarjun) January 11, 2022
Sukumar is one of the most successful directors in Tollywood. He is known for his Midas touch when it comes to making blockbuster movies revolving around small towns and real characters. Pushpa: The Rise (2021), starring Allu Arjun, is also one such movie.
Allu Arjun will begin shooting for the second part of the film, Pushpa: The Rule, in February. He has also announced a movie with director Koratala Siva.
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