Allu Arjun, who rose to fame with the movie, Pushpa: The Rise (2021) is a true Family Man as he is mostly seen spending time with them. He is also a devoted father to his two children, Ayaan and Arha, and frequently posts about them on social media. The actor shared a video of his daughter Arya performing the trendy Instagram craze 'Kacha Badam,' and it's the sweetest thing you'll see today.
Allu Arjun posted a video to his Instagram account in which his little daughter Arha is seen doing the hook steps to the popular Instagram track 'Kacha Badam.' Arha looked adorable in cute Hello Kitty pyjamas, and her smile brightened the room. He captioned the clip, "My Lil Badham Arha". The father-daughter team has received a lot of praise in the comments section.
Meanwhile, Arha is all set to make her debut in the Telugu movie Shaakuntalam, where Samantha is playing the main lead. She will be playing the role of Princess Bharata and recently the entire shoot has been wrapped. The release date of the film is yet to be announced.
Allu Arjun is currently enjoying the success of his film Pushpa: The Rise, which has become the biggest blockbuster in both South and Bollywood. He has a film with Koratala Siva in the works, as well as a sequel, Pushpa: The Rule, which will be released soon.