Sai Pallavi is known to be lovely and talented actress, back in 2019, Pallavi rejected a fairness cream advertisement worth Rs 2 crores. Going through the Sai Pallavi way we have learnt from a source that Allu Arjun has slammed an endorsement for a tobacco company. Of course there’s no denying that he must have rejected a hefty amount.
“AA received a hefty sum for an tabacco brand endorsement but he rejected it without a second thought as he personally does not consume it. The actor does not want his fans to watch the ad and start consuming the product, which can lead to addiction,” reveals a source close to the actor.
“While smoking in movies is something that’s not in his control, whenever possible he has amplified the message of being against the idea of the consumption,” adds the source.
Though there are many actors who don’t stutter to endorse such brands it’s good to see personalities like Allu Arjun taking an initiative for the betterment of society .