Actor Allu Arjun has all eyes on him and rightfully so. The actor’s recent film ‘Pushpa’ spread like wildfire. The film was enjoyed by the masses and the actors' looks became iconic. Now the star has shared his new look. Fans of the stars are obsessed with it. No doubt, that the actor was titled a ‘stylish star’. The iconic appearances the actor serves just make him completely deserving of the title.
The actor wore his hair ringlet-like curled with a few grey showing. A couple of ear piercings for accessories along with round shades. To top it off the actor had a cigar which just gave him an attractive and rowdy appeal. In the image, we can see Allu Arjun in a checkered shirt layered with a leather jacket. The star captioned the image "Caution: Cigar smoking extremely injurious to health." When it comes to the love of fans the ‘Pushpa’ actor knows a thing or two about that, the post comments were flooded in minutes with one fan writing “What a transformation man! You surprise us every time.” Another user wrote “OMG! Is this your look from Pushpa 2?”
The actor has the sequel to ‘Pushpa’ in the works. The film will also see hit actors Vijay Sethupathi and Rashmika Mandanna playing pivotal roles. Apart from this the star also has a pan-India film which will be crafted by Koratala Siva, tentatively titled ‘AA21’.