Bollywoodmdb had last reposted that Ajith Kumar enrolled himself as a participant in the 47th Tamil Nadu Shooting Championship in Trichy. For the unversed, the actor won a Gold medal in the 46th edition of the competition which was held last year. The actor has participated in the 10 meters, 25 meters and 50 meters pistol divisions in the competition. Gladly, the actor has secured four gold medals. His participation translated to a grand victory. Furthermore, the star has won two bronze medals.
Ajith won the gold medals in team events including the CFP Master Men team event, the STD P Master Men team event, and the 50 meters FP Master Men team event. Images of the star securing the win have been marking the rounds on the internet. The actor can be considered a professional in this field. A jack of all trades indeed. Apart from this the star has recently wrapped up a bike tour and is resuming shooting for the upcoming film ‘AK61’. The film is helmed by H Vinoth. Reportedly, the makers are going to reveal the title and first look on the 13th of August. This upcoming film is bankrolled by the Valimai maker Boney Kapoor.
South star Ajith Kumar is no newbie when it comes to shooting Championships, the star wore not one but four gold medals at the 47th Tamil Nadu State Shooting Championship#AjithKumar wins 4 Gold???? & 2 Bronze???? at 47th TN state shooting championship.
— Manobala Vijayabalan ( ManobalaV) July 30, 2022
He is one actor who never fails to follow his passion.
The star excels both in reel and real life.#வெற்றிநாயகன்அஜித்
Ajith Kumar will also be seen in Vignesh Shivan's yet-to-be-titled drama ‘AK62’. The music will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander and the film will be produced by Lyca Productions house.