Bollywood's one of the skilled actress Tisca Chopra is reported to be working on a script these days. The actress revealed this fact recently when she was in Bengaluru for the launch of her husband's book. The actress has too taken up writing seriously these days. Tisca said that she has finished with writing her book. The book is about Hitchhiker's guide to the Indian film industry. She also said that the book will be launched by the end of 1023.
Tisca also told the source that she is currently working on a script as well. The script is about a personality drama, a genre which has not been much looked at in the Indian films. She is working on this script with director Suhail Tatari. Tisca, who has shifted to writing recently has two films in her kitty. She will be next seen in 'Ankur Arora Murder Case' essaying a mother's role. Tisca will feature in 'Qissa', an Indo -European project by Anup Singh. She will be paired opposite Irrfan Khan in this film. Tisca also revealed that she is currently working on another Indian-international project.