One of the leading film production houses, Pooja Entertainment is ready with their latest film, Dil Juunglee. Noted trade analyst Taran Adarsh revealed the teaser poster of the film a couple of minutes back on his Twitter handle. The teaser poster sees a young couple standing against a swanky red car with their faces covered with magazines. If the first teaser poster of the movie is anything to go by, it looks like another college romance drama is going to make the audience fall in love once again.
Dil JuungleeDil Juunglee is directed by ad filmmaker Aleya Sen. It is her debut film as a film director. Talking about the star cast of the film, it seems that the makers have decided to keep things under the wrap and are waiting for the right time to reveal the cast. Chances are high that they have roped in newcomers in the movie.
Dil Juunglee is scheduled to hit screens on 16 February 2018, right after Valentine’s Day.