Though his last release Aiyaary failed to spell any magic at the box office, actor Sidharth Malhotra has two plum projects in his hands. The first one is a biopic on Kargil martyr Vikram Batra and the next is the remake of the Kannada film Kirik Party. And the latest buzz has it that the Ittefaq actor in being considered to headline noted filmmaker Anees Bazmee's next.
Sidharth MalhotraTalks about this untitled project with Bazmee are at an initial stage. Perhaps that is the reason the actor is claiming to have only two films in his kitty. “I am definitely doing Vikram Batra’s biopic this year, and I am also doing a college film, which is yet to be titled," the actor had said earlier.
The last few years haven't been good for Sidharth. Many of his films have failed miserably at the box office. We hope his next films help him maintain his slipping popularity among the masses.