There were reports and rumours floating around that TV star Mouni Roy is set to make her entry into Bollywood. Later, speculations were made that Salman Khan who is known to help actors and youngsters get their career going in the film industry is set to launch Mouni. Since the official announcement has been made that Mouni Roy will star opposite Akshay Kumar in the upcoming film Gold, reports started pouring in with recommendation stories. In a recent media interaction, when producer Ritesh Sidhwani was asked about Mouni’s casting, he clarified the rumour and cleared the air.
Mouni Roy, Ritesh Sidhwani, Akshay KumarThe producer said, “To be honest, nobody recommended her. She is talented… It’s like taking away someone’s talent by saying that somebody recommended her. She was actually auditioned for that part and she gave a fantastic audition.”
Sidwani added, “We all — Farhan (Akhtar), Reema (Kagti) and everyone watched the audition and we chose her. So, just like all others, she was actually auditioned and after that, she got the part. It was not based on recommendations.” Talking about Gold’s schedule which is being shot in Leeds. He said, “After that, we will start in Punjab. But Gold is slated for August 2018 release.”
Sidhwani was also asked about Fukrey 2 and Don 3, for which he said, “Fukrey Returns‘ is releasing on December 8, and as far as Don‘ is concerned, we definitely want to make it, but the story is not yet locked. As soon as the story is locked, we will do it.”
The film revolves around series of events happened during 1948 Olympics and how India won its 1st Gold medal in hockey as a free nation Olympics that year. It is a fictional take on the journey of 12 years of Indian sports during the era. Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Gold which is directed by Reema Kagti is set to hit the silver screens on August 15, 2018.