After a lot of speculations, it has finally been confirmed that Abhishek Bachchan will play the male lead in distinguished filmmaker Priyadarshan’s upcoming comic caper. Confirming the news, the filmmaker said, “Yes, Abhishek is on board. We have been working on the script and will give him a reading this week and will go ahead once he approves of the final script. I’m hoping to start by January.”
Priyadarshan & Abhishek BachchanPriyadarshan also added that his new film will be no less than one of his most popular comedies Hera Pheri. “I’m hoping to come back with another film, which is at par with Hera Pheri. I want to play my second innings in Bollywood carefully,” he added.
Talking about why he roped in Abhishek for the part, he said, “I was looking for someone who is as good as Akshay Kumar when it comes to humour. Abhishek is a brilliant actor. He has got his sense of humour from his father (Amitabh Bachchan). I believe he will do total justice to my film. He was always my first choice”.