The writer-director Vikram Bhatt unveiled the logo of actor Emraan Hashmi starrer upcoming film 'Mr. X'. On the micro blogging site Twitter today. The trailer launch of the most coveted film is scheduled tomorrow i.e. March 5 at 8 am.
Fox Star Studios and Vishesh Film's 'Mr. X' is a film about a scientist who turns into an invisible vigilante when an experiment goes wrong. The logo showing the letter X fading out enhances the invisible factor and boasts the incredible special effects that the film is set to show cast.
The director Vikram posted the logo with the caption that read: "Invisibility is coming to town! Check out the logo of #MrX and the trailer releases @foxstarhindi at 8 am Tom!" The trailer of the film which is set to be out tomorrow will reveal other aspects of the upcoming film.