The buzz is that, ace director Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani are planning to bring two youth icons together in their movie. The two heartthrobs have never shared the screen space before. Hrithik Roshan and Ranbir Kapoor will be seen together in a movie which will be produced by Excel Entertainment. It is reported that Hrithik will do a cameo in this film in which Ranbir Kapoor will play the key role. Apparently, other details like the director and the rest of the cast is yet to be decided.
When asked about the details, Ritesh Sidhwani said that nothing has been finalized yet. But an insider source revealed that the things are in a process and some decisions will be taken soon. Excel Entertainment will soon make an official announcement about the movie. The source also said that the film might go on floors sometime in the next year. All of us know that Hrithik and Ranbir are very good friends but have never got a chance to work together. So finally, it is happening and the two stars will rock the screen together.
It is also reported that the duo will also be seen in Farhan's sis Zoya Akhtar's next film, but Ritesh declined to give any details about that. The buzz is that Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor, the real life siblings will be seen as reel life bro-sis duo in Zoya's forthcoming film. The film which is not titled yet is whispered to be an autobiographical story of Zoya and Farhan.