Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani have been bringing to life amazing stories on the big screen. Be it Don 2 or the Rock On franchise, the duo has co-produced multiple gems together. Now, they are all set to team up once again for a biopic film on the life of Deepa Malik. Deepa is the only woman to win a medal at the Paralympic Games. Her story is inspiring and must be told to the world feels the producer duo. According to the reports, the ground work for the film has begun.
Farhan Akhtar, Deepak Malik, Ritesh SidhwaniCo-producer Ritesh Sidwani said in a statement, ”I had watched videos of her and knew that her life story was unreal, but when I met her and she let me hold her medal, the sheer weight of the silver gave me gooseflesh. At one point in her life, she had to choose between death and life in a wheelchair and she chose the latter. But as she sat in front of me, there was nothing differently-abled about her. She was empowering, a pillar of strength, and I knew that we needed to take her fight to the big screen.”
About the film, Sidwani added, “It will also feature her children and husband and most definitely her hometown Haryana, her present home in Delhi and her win in Rio De Janeiro, among other places.” He said, “In 2006, she took to javelin throw and then had to change her sport one year before the Paralympics. For an event for which people train their entire lives, she had only 12 months to learn shot put. She returned home with a silver medal in Rio.”
Deepa Malik has won 54 gold medals at the national level and 13 at the international level in swimming, javelin throw and shot put. There are many other accolades in her name and, the lady was also honored with the Arjuna Award in 2012. The film on her life is expected to go on floors next year.