The serial Kisser Emraan Hashmi and the daily soap queen Ekta Kapoor attended the Maha Kumbh on the auspicious occasion of Mauni Amavasya. Both the b-town celebrities took a pledge to clean the holy Ganga river. Ekta also took a holy dip in the holy river for the blessings for her upcoming film. According to Ekta, we ourself make the holy river Ganga dirty by dumping so much of waste in it. Ganga river is very important for every Indian. We should not use the holy river which we consider as one of the goddess in our Indian mythology for dumping waste matter. Ganga river is a very important part of our heritage and religional beliefs. We must clean the river and maintain its beauty and dignity. Both the celebrities washed and cleaned some of the portion of the bank of Ganga.
After doing \'Ganga Snaan\', the celebrities performed a \'Daayan Mukti Yajna\'. They also visited the ashram of the spiritual guru Swami Chidanand Saraswati named as Paramarth Niketan to seek the blessings.