Otherwise seen calm and pleasant, Deepika Padukone is in violent mood and has openly criticized a leading newspaper for posting her indecent pictures on their news website. She took Twitter to lash out a news piece titled 'OMG! Deepika Padukone's cleavage show.'
The popular news portal posted a video highlighting Deepika's deep neck Anarkali suit which she once donned while promoting her film 'Chennai Express'.
Deepika lashed the leading newspaper on Twitter by uploading a screenshot of their offending video news content followed by back-to-back tweets citing her anger. She wrote: "Supposedly India's 'LEADING' newspaper and this is 'NEWS'!!??". Followed by "YES! I am a woman. I have a breast AND a cleavage! You got a problem!!??" and "Don't talk about Woman's Empowerment when YOU don't know how to RESPECT Women!"
Undoubtedly, she looked amazingly graceful in this white and silver creation but it was the inappropriate camera angle which captured her indecent pose. And surfacing this piece as news is a misuse of media.
'Finding Fanny' actress received support from actress Priyanka Chopra with her tweet- "Well done @deepikapadukone ! Taken a stand for all of us. Xoxo"