It's a sign of relief for the producers Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani of the upcoming film 'Bangistan'. Going by the report, 'Bangistan' has been cleared with 6 verbal cuts and has received U/A certificate. The movie is a satire on cross-border terrorism.
As revealed by a close source, Pahlaj Nihlani, the chairperson of the censor board has appreciated the movie for its fresh content. The source further added that "The film was given a UA certificate with 6 verbal cuts. The words that had t go were 'ghanta', 'minority', 'qafir', 'saala', 'dalaal', 'saali'. No visuals were cut."
Directed by the critic Karan Anshuman, the film 'Bangistan' features Riteish Deshmukh and Pulkit Samrat. It will release on July 31.