Action hero of the Bollywood, Akshay Kumar reportedly has signed a two film deal with Ramesh Taurani recently. According to the source, Akshay has taken Rs. 80 cr remuneration for these films. Ramesh Taurani of Tips company confirmed that they have signed a two film deal with Akshay Kumar. The film will be shot at the Cape Town and will commence the shoot in July's first week. The film will be directed by Sajid-Farhad. The duo previously had written the hilarious dialogues for 'Housefull 2', 'Golmaal Returns' and 'Bol Bachchan'. This film is of a comedy genre as well.
He also said that their second film's shoot will begin in 2014 but the director for the film is yet to be finalized. When asked about Akshay's remuneration, he preferred not to reveal any information. He expressed that he always wanted to work with Akshay Kumar. According to him, Akshay is very disciplined and a superb performer. Ramesh Taurani has been teamed up with Akshay for the first time.