The makers of the upcoming war drama titled Subedar Joginder Singh’ have released the first look images of its lead star Gippy Grewal. The actor looks unrecognizable in the first look pictures of the biographical drama. The film which is based on the Sino-Indian war will release in Punjabi, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Subedar Joginder Singh fought for the nation against the British, he was a part of British Indian Army pre-independence and later in the Indian Army. For his exceptional contribution to the nation, Singh has been honoured with the Param Vir Chakra.
Gippy GrewalAlong with Gippy, the film also features Guggu Gill, Kulwinder Billa, Aditi Sharma, Rajvir Jawanda, Roshan Prince, Karamjit Anmol, Sardar Sohi and other actors. Seven Colors Motion Pictures in collaboration with Saga Music and Unisys Infosolutions are bringing the film to life.
Gippy GrewalSubedar Joginder Singh is a biographical feature film which is shot locations like Kargil & Dras, Rajasthan and Assam. The crew of the film shot even in extreme and vulnerable conditions. Most of the shooting has been done at a height of 14000 feet which is insane. The lead star has worked a lot on his physique to essay the role. The forthcoming venture has been scheduled to release during summers 2018.