SHUDRA – THE RISING is a Hindi film which released on 19th October, 2012. Its storyline is based on the caste system prevalent in India which still exists to some extent. It has been directed by Sanjiv Jaiswal.
Story : The movie shows the exploitation of the lower caste by the upper caste. In the film the Thakurs burn the whole village of Shudra because this community had killed the son of Thakur's. But Shudras kill Thakur's son because of his atrocities.
This film portrays how people of higher caste exploit and molest lower caste. This film is more a string of incidents of rape, murder, tongue cutting and other atrocities committed on the villagers rather than a story. According to the upper caste rule, lower caste people i.e. Shudras have to tie bells on their ankles so that its rings could announce their presence so that the upper castes can stay out of their way.
Since Dr. Ambedkar was a victim of caste system who was not given admission in many schools because of his caste; who was not allowed to drink water or eat together with other school children, hence this film gives examples of such people who fought against the exploitation of the weaker section. It also gives the example of Martin Luther King and other leaders.
In small clippings this film also portrays that this system is present in today's world also and not only in India but other countries too.
Direction : The director has tried to raise a sensational issue but his execution is not so effective. He has diverted his focus with some other fictional issues which reduce its effectiveness.
Conclusion : The story is on sensational issue and is moving. But it could have been made in the form of documentary instead of a feature film it would have left effective message.
Verdict : A film with powerful social issue! But it is disturbing so if you can't bear disturbing scenes, avoid it otherwise watch it for the issue.