Hostel is a Hindi feature film directed by Manish Gupta. It is based on the issue of ragging. But how efficiently the director succeeded in keeping the point is a big question!
Story : Mukesh Tiwari, along with other college students, gets involved in ragging of the newly admitted students. He is a failure and enjoys troubling others students. The way he does ragging of the students is brutal and very cruel but far from reality.
In reality more inhuman and brutal ways are applied when it comes to ragging which causes most of the victims to commit suicide.
Now Mukesh Tiwari targets the protagonist of the film Vatsal Sheth, who has taken admission in that college.
Would he be able to rag Vatsal Sheth? And if yes then to what extent and what would be consequences?
These are the questions which are answered in the rest of the film.
Also a love story runs parralley to the film.
The director made a good attempt to portray ragging issue along with a love story but he failed in both the aspects. He could neither show ragging to full extent nor could he picturize a love story like Yash Chopra did years ago..
However this film is an eye opener to them who know very less about ragging. They will find how brutal ragging is. Whereas, if a film is made on this issue, it could have shown major incidents.
It seems that the writer director has done less research otherwise he could have included some major incidents which happened in Mumbai a few years ago in some of the medical colleges.
Verdict : It is not meant for children. It is not a bad film and you can go for it to watch a serious issue which you already know.