This is a science fiction comedy movie with an interesting theme. This is a story of a scientist named Agastya, who is originally from Paglaapur village. Paglaapur village is shown to have not listed in the map of India and hence is devoid of basic necessities like electricity and all. Agastya aims to bring luxury in his village.
In 1947, at the time of independence, when the maps of India and Pakistan were being drawn, a mistake occurred due to which the village of Paglapur wasn't placed in either country. Perhaps its name was Pagalpur because it had the peculiarity of housing the largest mental asylum in the county ...
JOKER is a Hindi feature film which released today (on 31st August, 2012). This film has been directed by Shirish Kunder and has been produced by Akshay Kumar, Farah Khan & Shirish Kunder under the banner of Hari Om Entertainment, Three's Company & UTV Motion Pictures. It falls in the genre of comedy, but does it make you laugh? You can read the review below before watching the film.
Story : Agastya (Akshay Kumar) is a NASA scientist. He is working on a project to make contact with the aliens. NASA has spent millions of dollars over his project but despite the deadline (of 2 years) he has failed to give positive result. His rival makes fun of his project but he requests for some more...