The film is light hearted entertainer. The story revolves around two good for nothing brothers who just roam around in eccentric clothes doing nothing. Once, they enter into a pub where the guards throw them out. The further story depicts some suspense and how does the two brothers solve the case.
On Line Review : It's Irritating & Dard-E-Mind
Story : Rocky and Rambo (Akshay Kapoor and Aryeman Ramsay) are two brothers. They are under the wrong impression that they are the most attractive men in town. Above all, they don't have any goal in their lives. Their father (Sharat Saxena) remains worried about their future. Their mother (Upasana Singh) keeps them pampering a lot.
Both brothers wear buffoon outfits and fool around in the city.
They try to enter Disco King's (Bappi Lahiri) discotheque, but they are not allowed to get in and are thrown out by the burly bodyguard who proclaims "Only Invitees are Invited". However, the same night Bappi's car slams into their van and...